Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Week 3: The Goods

This week's produce:

Head of lettuce (appeared to be some type of green leaf lettuce)
Kohlrabi (will add a pic of these later)
Napa Cabbage
White onions

We never got around to using the kohlrabi last time we did the CSA. Its unique visage just stared back at us from the fridge. This time, we'll use it...somehow.

We never used the radishes last time either. Tomorrow, I envision a lunch salad of lettuce, cucumbers, and radishes. And later some salads of just radish and cucumbers. And then just cucumbers, because we got a lot of cucumbers!

Cabbage will likely go in a stir-fry, along with broccoli and onions

Beets: Roasting and then doing something with them

Collards: I think I cooked something involving polenta with them last time, so maybe that again?

Parsley goes in lots of things.

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